Post Pandemic Business Practices
Restrictions are lifting and companies are welcoming their staff back. Finding ways to blend the old way of doing things with the way we’ve been working for the past year will most likely create a new normal moving forward. There will be as many new ways of working as there are companies in the world.
The good news is we have choices. Enter the ‘Hybrid Workforce’. The idea that we can take the best of both worlds and combine them to make a scenario that fits not only our company, but our individual employees is appealing.
Mitel has created a guide for this new normal called The Now of Work. This guide features advice on building a ‘Culture of Connection’ with advice from authors, experts and company founders. Stephanie Thum, CCXP – Founding Principal, Practical CX suggests you “don’t overlook the connection between your employees, their feelings of team trust, and revenue acceleration. What employees feel, customers feel.
The section in the guide that offers tips to Promote Flexibility and Encourage Growth offers advice on providing excellent customer service across various paths. Whether you communicate via video, chat, voice, email or other options Michael Krigsman, Industry Analyst and Host, CXOTALK says “Ultimately, customer experience means relationship building…Offer every customer the opportunity for chat, phone call or video meeting to ensure that they can connect in their preferred way…Simplicity is essential.
To read the entire guide click here.
Unified Technologies has been growing our portfolio of offerings to make sure our customers have the tools they need to take care of their customers in whatever way is best for them. TO schedule a time to talk to us about your specific needs now that the world is opening up again, visit our web page and request a meeting.